March 20, 2011, Greencastle, Ind. — "Unless you’ve been living under a rock, it's plain to see just how anemic and irrelevant much of what passes for 'news' is these days," declares Kevin Howley. In a Bloomington Alternative op-ed, the associate professor of communication at DePauw University writes, "In times of crisis, the public needs a robust, independent press willing and able to 'speak truth to power.' Problem is, the art and craft of journalism is in crisis."
Dr. Howley offers "five unmistakable signs of shoddy journalism" in his column. They include his observation that "Comedians like Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert and (for the NPR set) Harry Shearer -- not working journalists -- are trusted sources for news, information and analysis," and, "Two words: Charlie Sheen."
Read the complete essay by clicking here.
Howley recently talked with the Public Broadcasting Report about controversial comments made by NPR Foundation President Ron Schiller. The professor authored Community Media: People, Places, and Communication Technologies.