April 14, 2011, Greencastle, Ind. — Tod Falor Stuessy, professor of systematic and evolutionary botany at the University of Vienna, Austria, and head of the department, was inducted yesterday into the Lake Forest (Illinois) High School Alumni Wall of Fame. Dr. Stuessy, a 1965 graduate of DePauw University, was among three individuals honored by the high school.
Professor Stuessy earned a Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin and did postdoctoral studies at Harvard University. "He was Professor of Botany at Ohio State University for 27 years before moving to Vienna," notes an item in today's Lake Forester. "His research interests include concepts of biological classification, island biogeography, and evolution of the flora of southern South America. He has written or edited eleven books, 270 scientific articles, and mentored 20 Ph.D. graduates."
Access the article at the newspaper's website. Another item is available at the Chicago Tribune online.