April 27, 2011, Greencastle, Ind. — The work of Kathy Hubbard to break down cultural barriers through her non-profit, non-partisan organization, the Bridges of Understanding Foundation, is featured in the Spring 2011 edition of The Lyre, the magazine of Alpha Chi Omega sorority. Hubbard, a 1974 graduate of DePauw University, is featured on the cover of the issue.
"Amid an international politically charged environment and civil unrest, bridging the cultural gap between the American people and the Arab world is an extraordinary goal that many would not aspire to achieve," begins the story. "Kathryn 'Kathy' Fortune Hubbard, a 1971 initiate of the Alpha chapter DePauw University, however, has made it one of her life’s missions to not only provide a two-way cultural awareness, but break down and eradicate the misunderstandings that exist."
The text notes that Hubbard spent her junior year studying at the University of Neuchâtel in Switzerland. "While there, she took it upon herself to spend as much time among the Swiss, rather than her American counterparts."
After graduating from DePauw, Hubbard worked in the international trade division of the Indiana Department of Commerce, assisted fellow DePauw alumnus Dan Quayle '69, President George H.W. Bush and President George W. Bush, and worked to raise funds for the Hudson Institute's international and domestic policy research. (at right: Hubbard and Bridges of Understanding board member Marlene Malek visit a girls' school in rural Jordan)
"In 2006, while working on a project for the U.S. Department of State that related American and Arab businesswomen, Kathy met Karim Kawar, Jordan's former ambassador to the U.S., and his wife, Luma. The couple shared with Kathy that they were well aware of the misunderstandings and curiosities between the American and Arab worlds -- a view long since held by Kathy as well. The Kawars and the Hubbards began discussing and meeting in order to address the need for cultural awareness across the two very different worlds. The couples spoke to their political counterparts and this need of awareness was of much interest, particularly among women and those already seeking an understanding. Funds were raised, along with their own contributions, and the Bridges of Understanding Foundation was founded."
You'll find the complete article at the magazine's website.
A member of DePauw's Board of Trustees, Kathy Hubbard was featured on the cover of the April 2008 edition of Indianapolis Woman magazine. Learn more in this previous story.
Alpha Chi Omega sorority was founded at DePauw on October 15, 1885.