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Indiana Lawmakers Again Consider Research and Testimony of DePauw Students


90897February 16, 2011, Greencastle, Ind. — Legislation that would decrease the "drug-free zones"  around Indiana schools, public parks, and housing and apartments from the current 1,000 feet to 200 feet has been shelved by an Indiana Senate committee.  People arrested dealing drugs in such areas face longer prison sentences, if convicted. DePauw University students who have testified on the issue say the concept is flawed, noting in the past that "in Marion County and other urban areas, schools, parks, youth programs and especially churches exist in such high density that the law would create vast overlapping zones that encompass entire neighborhoods and communities." (photo: DePauw senior Sally Reasoner testifies at the Indiana Statehouse)

Today's Indianapolis Star notes, "A study by DePauw University students found that 53 percent of the area inside I-465 is in a drug-free zone. Sometimes, the students found, 65094offenders facing the enhanced charges had been selling drugs in their own apartments with no children present," writes Heather Gillers.

State Senator Greg Taylor (D- Indianapolis) tells the newspaper that increasing the area of the zones five-fold "will penalize my constituency in greater numbers."

Access the story at IndyStar.com.

Learn more about the statehouse testimony by DePauw students of Kelsey Kauffman, part-time assistant professor of University studies, in this previous article.

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