June 3, 2011, Greencastle, Ind. — In an Indianapolis Star summary of the area's high school graduation ceremonies, the preview of tonight's event at Park Tudor High School notes, "Fun fact: DePauw University President Brian Casey will speak at commencement." The school will award 104 diplomas at the 6 p.m. event. (photo: Dr. Casey, at right, talks with students on the DePauw campus)
Access the item at IndyStar.com.
Also available is this story from February.
Brian W. Casey was named DePauw's 19th president in 2008. He came to Greencastle from Harvard University, where he served as
associate dean for academic affairs in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Prior to that, he was assistant provost at Brown University.
In October 2010, Dr. Casey received the University of Notre Dame's Harvey G. Foster Award for his distinguished involvement in civic and university initiatives.