June 24, 2011, Greencastle, Ind. — The co-chairs of the United Way of Putnam County's new campaign committee, "Dave Bohmer and Marcia McKelligan, are DePauw University employees, signifying that the United Way has made its partnership with the university stronger in the last year," reports the Banner-Graphic. "The committee is comprised of members in the community, not all of them United Way board members, that will focus on different areas of the community, such as realtor associations, lawyers, doctors, small businesses and more."
Bohmer, a 1969 graduate of DePauw, is director of the Eugene S. Pulliam Center for Contemporary Media, director of the Media Fellows Program, and part-time assistant professor of history and University studies. McKelligan is Blair Anderson and Martha Caroline Rieth Professor of Applied Ethics and professor of philosophy. She received the Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Tucker Jr. Distinguished Career Award on May 13.
"Different members of the committee will focus on particular areas and industries to look for volunteers and help for United Way," reports Michael Logli. David English, director of the local United Way and 1972 DePauw graduate, "believes the new method will help make all United Way efforts more effective and make the connections each representative builds more meaningful."
You'll find the full article at the newspaper's website.