July 7, 2011, Greencastle, Ind. — Entertainment at a Sunday program at which the Ralph Adams Lifetime Achievement Awards will be presented includes "Indianapolis-born trumpeter Pharez Whitted, who now lives in Chicago, where he is director of jazz studies at Chicago State University," notes the Indianapolis Star. In the "Weekend's Best" column, Jay Harvey writes, "Whitted studied at DePauw and Indiana universities and began his career in Indianapolis. A long family tradition of music through the legendary Hampton clan helped shape him."
The text notes that Whitted, a 1982 DePauw University graduate, "has received wide recognition for current disc Transient Journey, a nominee for a 2011 Independent Music Award. 'I knew they were special,' Whitted said of the compositions he brought to the recording, 'but I didn't know how well they would go over.' Though all instrumental, the music was conceived to unify around the message to 'fight the good fight, and we've got to stay positive,' Whitted said."
The awards will be presented at the Cabaret at the Columbia Club on Monument Circle in Indianapolis.
Read more at IndyStar.com.
You'll find additional information on Pharez Whitted, a graduate of the DePauw University School of Music, in this recent article.