July 31, 2011, Greencastle, Ind. — "Earlier this month, it was revealed that lawmakers had dissolved the largest state agency in Indiana by virtue of a predetermined sunset date that was simply overlooked by lawmakers," writes Jake Bonifield, who will be a DePauw University junior this fall, in the latest Indianapolis Business Journal. "The mistake highlights the need for greater attention to detail on the part of our legislators."
Bonifield is a political science major who is president of Hoosier Youth Advocacy, "an organization focused on increasing youth participation in the Indiana General Assembly," notes IBJ. His op-ed column notes that Governor Mitch Daniels signed an executive order restoring the program in question but he points to other "poorly conceived legislation now being defended in court at taxpayer expense."
He declares, "None of these efforts reduce unemployment, inspire innovation or improve the lives of everyday Hoosiers, even among those who may agree with their authors' intent. The focus of this session should have been on improving the economy and creating jobs. Instead, money, time and energy were wasted on red herrings."
The column concludes, "Over the next 18 months, as the 2012 election cycle nears, Hoosiers will face choices. They will have the chance to examine this year's session, reflect on the impact new laws have had on the state, consider the costs of partisan divide and simplistic rhetoric, as well as to determine which candidates on the ballot will embrace thoughtful debate and champion sensible policy in the years to come. Candidates should be pressed for detailed, policy-focused platforms. And voters? In the words of candidate [Kristi] Risk, they should read them."
Read the complete column at the Business Journal's website.