August 4, 2011, Greencastle, Ind. — "Crocheter Rebekah Woolverton, age 22, entered her first-ever county fair art and horticulture show this week and left with a championship blue ribbon," begins a story published in today's Journal Gazette & Times-Courier of Mattoon, Illinois. "Woolverton, who won the blue ribbon with a crocheted bikini, said she has loved crocheting ever since her mother, the late Debbie Woolverton, taught her this craft many years ago," writes Rob Stroud. "However, she said the idea of entering her handiwork in a county fair art show had not occurred to her while growing up in metropolitan St. Louis. Now that she has graduated from DePauw University, Woolverton said she decided to take the time to enter the Coles County Fair's art show."
The text continues, "She said her father, the Rev. Art Woolverton, took a post at First Presbyterian Church in Mattoon not long ago, so entering the show was also a way for her to get to know their adopted county better."
"I do crocheting because I like the satisfaction of having something unique that I made myself," Woolverton says in the story, which points out that she double majored in music performance and German. She is a May 2011 graduate of DePauw.
You'll find the full story at the newspaper's website.