September 19, 2011, Greencastle, Ind. — A U.S. News & World Report article that quotes DePauw University's "career coach" makes the point that "picking a major simply to secure a job that enables a student to pay
off that debt as quickly as possible isn't the right approach, college
advisers agree." The piece offers "5 Ways to Pick the Right College Major."
After offering four tips -- including "Wait until college" and "But don't wait too long" -- the #5 suggestion is, "Be aware of the exceptions to these rules." Brian Burnsed writes, "Medical students aren't the only ones who are often forced to make decisions before, or immediately after, beginning their college studies, says Steve Langerud, director of professional opportunities at DePauw University. Other fields -- such as engineering, physical therapy, and nursing -- that demand workers possess a specific set of skills often warrant jumping into the field of study immediately and carefully planning your college curriculum from Day One."
Access the complete article here.
Steve Langerud has helped more than 15,000 people with workplace issues and is regularly quoted in articles on the job market and career development, including a Forbes article last week and a citation in Human Resource Executive.
He is available to help DePauw students and alumni with career planning. Visit DePauw's Office of Civic, Global and Professional Opportunities here.