October 11, 2011, Greencastle, Ind. — "If your resume has been sitting in a file for a few years, it may be time to give it a facelift," begins an article published in the Miami Herald. "Hard economic times make it more important than ever to have an airtight CV, and the rules of the game have shifted. 'First, the resume is almost dead,' says Steve Langerud, who works with private clients on job search issues as well as with students and alumni of DePauw University in Indiana."
Langerud continues, "With Linkedln and E-portfolios, visual CY, etc. leading the way, the need for a traditional resume is past. We simply need to put the final scoop of dirt on the grave ... The key value of something like Linkedln is that it provides a consistent format. You don't have to worry about cute formats, what to leave out, how to frame things because it is done for you. And everyone becomes accustomed to seeing your information in that format. Second, it provides you with access to people in a way that a resume simply cannot do. Third, it allows people to share what they know about you, how they connect to you, and what value you bring to all your activities."
Later, the piece notes, "Langerud says the key components to include in any resume are the skills needed by your next employer, experiences that demonstrate your success in using those skills and validation that you do this work well. 'The new basic for me and my clients is a clear, focused and strategic professional summary that projects people into new roles, not just regurgitates past experience,' Langerud says. 'Too often job seekers simply review their past and then are shocked with they are offered the same old positions. In this economy you must be fluid, nuanced and dynamic. Show this in your communication with employers.' "
Visit the Herald's website.
Steve Langerud has helped more than 15,000 people with workplace issues and is regularly quoted in articles on the job market and career development, including recent pieces in the Chicago Tribune and U.S. News & World Report.
He is available to help DePauw students and alumni with career planning. Visit DePauw's Office of Civic, Global and Professional Opportunities here.