December 2, 2011, Greencastle, Ind. — William F. Carroll Jr., vice president of industry issues at Occidental Chemical and 1973 graduate of DePauw University, is the winner of the 2011 Harry & Carol Mosher Award. The honor is presented annually by the Santa Clara Valley Section of the American Chemical Society to recognize and encourage outstanding work in chemistry, advancing chemistry as a profession, and service to ACS.
Dr. Carroll served as ACS' national president in 2005 and is currently a member of the ACS board of directors.
The Mosher Award is named for Harry S. Mosher, a late professor of chemistry at Stanford University, and Carol W. Mosher of SRI International. The husband-and-wife chemists founded the Santa Clara Valley Section.
Carroll's award is noted in the November 21 edition of Chemical and Engineering News and online.
Bill Carroll majored in chemistry and physics at DePauw and later earned an M.S. from Tulane University and a Ph.D. in organic chemistry from Indiana University - Bloomington. Carroll holds two patents, and has over forty-five publications in the fields of organic electrochemistry, polymer chemistry, combustion chemistry and physics, incineration, plastics recycling and chlorine issues.
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