March 10, 2011, Greencastle, Ind. — "Aaron Jay Kernis is one of the youngest and most successful composers in recent history. His work has won him a Pulitzer Prize and the Grawemeyer Award in Music Composition, as well as praise from critics at the New York Times, Chicago Tribune, USA Today and others," begins a story in today's Banner Graphic. The article details last week's visit to DePauw University by Kernis, who was on campus last week as part of the School of Music's annual "Music of the 21st Century" series. (photo: Kernis studies the score to his composition in Kresge Auditorium as the DePauw University Orchestra, conducted by Orcenith Smith, performs it; courtesy Banner Graphic)
"Kernis visited classrooms, lectures, rehearsals and more during his visit as composer-in-residence from March 2 to 6," writes Michael Logli. "Students who interacted with Kernis described him as a polite, soft-spoken man with a passion for music and composition."
"His music is both fantastic and incredibly difficult," Claire Jagla, a member of the University Chorus, tells the newspaper. "It's really great that DePauw can bring him," Jagla said.
The piece describes Kernis' interactions with the DePauw Symphony Orchestra as members rehearsed his composition, Newly Drawn Sky, under the baton of Professor Orcenith Smith.
Before leaving Greencastle for New York City, Kernis stated, "It's been my dream to be able to do what I love, and I see that in these performers."
Read the complete story -- "Master of melody" -- at the newspaper's website.
Founded in 1884, the DePauw University School of Music is one of the oldest in the nation and has an established tradition of educating leaders in virtually every facet of music, including performers, educators, composers and administrators. Learn more here.