October 31, 2011, Greencastle, Ind. — This Friday, November 4, the DePauw Chamber Singers will present their second concert of the DePauw University Schooll of Music's 127th season. Led by Gregory Ristow, director of choirs, the program will begin at 7:30 p.m. Thompson Recital Hall of the Judson and Joyce Green Center for the Performing Arts. It is presented free of admission charge and is open to all.
Entitled "Musical Masks," the concert will focus on the theme of this year's ArtsFest, "Art and Truth? The repertoire focuses on many truths -- of love, in nature and living life, and the honesty of pledges.
The performance will feature four highly varied works – April is in my Mistress’ Face by Thomas Morley, La Bomba by Mateo Flecha, Panteley the Healer by Sergei Rachmaninoff, and a 6-movement work by William Bolcom titled The Mask.
Founded in 1884, the DePauw University School of Music is the nation's sixth-oldest private institution for post-secondary music instruction and the longest-running in Indiana. Learn more here.