October 31, 2011, Greencastle, Ind. — "The last thing 32-year-old Mandy Henk expected from volunteering at the Occupy Wall Street library was an invitation to speak at the American Library Association's 2012 Midwinter Conference in Dallas, Texas," begins a Dow Jones News Service report. "That speaking engagement will help raise her profile among the 10,000 other librarians there to network and share new ideas, she said."
Damian Ghigliotty writes, "Henk, a certified librarian who handles circulation, reserves and interlibrary loans at DePauw University in Greencastle, Ind., joined the movement in late September and rediscovered the role she cares most about -- connecting people with information. Since then, she has commuted back and forth between Greencastle and Zuccotti Park in Lower Manhattan with a focus on developing new models for libraries at a time when many are facing budget shortfalls."
Henk states, "I'm a faculty librarian, so being professionally active is something that my peers at my home institution judge me on. Having the opportunity to refine my skills working with such a diverse population is really valuable in that regard."
Read the complete story by clicking here.
Mandy Henk's involvement with OWS was also noted in a Library Journal story earlier this month.